Association for supporting the SDGs for the UN

The Association for Supporting the SDGs for the UN (ASD), established in 2011, is an international nongovernmental organization that is in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC).

The association selects, verifies global corporate and governmental sustainability, eco-friendliness, and ESG investment based on the promotion of the 17 SDGs (agreed upon by 193 nations) and ESG (a major responsibility of corporate management).

ASD is the first organization in Korea that has been designated as the Observer to the ICMA’ Green and Social Bond Principles organization. ICMA’s ESG Bond Principles must be followed in order for an entity to issue ESG bonds, and the association validates the sustainability of bonds issued under these principles.


Since The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were implemented from 2000 to 2015, the 17 SDGs is to be implemented from 2016 to 2030 as the new initiative of the UN. The SDGs is the biggest joint objective for the international community which aims to resolve such issues through the implementation of 17 goals and following 169 specific goals until 2030.

Environment, social, and governance, previously considered non-financial elements, have now emerged as core values of companies, major financial institutions, and shareholders around the world. They are considered deeply in core management strategies that companies must implement for sustainable management and investment. ESG has become a significant element that consumers, businesses, and civil societies look for in a product, and the demand for ESG management is ever growing.

Global ESG & Sustainable Management Support

Global ESG Management Support to Corporations, National Assemblies, and Government Institutions

The Association for Supporting the SDGs for the UN is the first organization in Korea that is an Observer of the Green Bond Principles (GBP), Social Bond Principles (SBP) of the ICMA(International Capital Market Association). Forming a an Asian plastics project working group with SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board), a non-profit organization to develop sustainability accounting standards, the association conducts research in sustainable ESG standards in the Asia Pacific region.

Our association provides overall ESG solutions based on such activities and partnerships with major global and local ESG institutions: ▷Second Party Opinion · Guide line ▷Scoring ▷Certification · Verification ▷Globally Linked ▷Externally Linked ▷ESG Education.

UN ECOSOC resolution 1996/31, part II, paragraph 20

“While ECOSOC has the opportunity to avail itself of valuable and expert advice from NGOs, the NGOs
in turn also have the opportunity of expressing their views and influencing the work of the Council.”

While ECOSOC has the opportunity to avail itself of valuable and expert advice from NGOs, the NGOs
in turn also have the opportunity of expressing their views and influencing the work of the Council. NGOs
have specialized competence, hands-on experience and flexibility that is of great value to the UN. For instance, by having consultative status, a NGO could:

▷Provide expert analysis on issues directly from its experience in the field;▷Serve as an early warning agent;▷ Help monitor and implement international agreements;▷ Help raise public awareness of relevant issues;▷ Play a major role in advancing United Nations goals and objectives; and ▷Contribute with essential information at organization events. On the other hand, ECOSOC provides NGOs the opportunity to be heard by a truly global audience and contribute to its agenda.

A NGO with consultative status can:
▷Attend international conferences and events;▷Make written and oral statements at these
events;▷ Organize side events;▷Enter United Nations premises; and ▷Have opportunities to network and lobby.

ESG Bond Reporting and Verification

Global ESG Management Support to Corporations, National Assemblies, and Government Institutions

ASD conducts ‘Second-Party Opinion and SRC(Statement list of Recommendation ESG Global Corporate Excellence through SDGs)’ on corporate-issued post reporting of Green Bonds (GB) and Social Bonds (SB) in accordance with Recommendations for Sustainable Finance Taxonomies.

In particular, the SEC strongly advises companies on ESG financing and investment.

The association has also proposed Asia’s First-ever ‘ESG Quantitative Easing (ESG QE)’ and advises the revitalization of green bonds, social bonds, and MBS, thereby boosting the economy, increasing job opportunities, climate response, carbon reduction, and energy conversion.


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