플라스틱 저감-기후변화대응 가이드라인 (GRP) 국제친환경 인증

 [GRP 인증]
Guidelines for Reducing Plastic Waste (GRP) & Sustainable Ocean and Climate Action Acceleration

GRP 가이드라인 

플라스틱 저감 가이드라인 & 지속 가능한 해양 및 기후환경 대응 이니셔티브)는 SDGs 이행 자발적공약 및 국제 친환경기준으로 소개된 기업의 글로벌 환경 가이드라인입니다.

전 세계 글로벌기업의 플라스틱, 석유화학제품 저감 활동 및 기후변화와 지구온난화 대응, 해양 환경 보호를 위해 매년 4~5월, GRP를 발표합니다.

GRP는 30가지 주요 배경과 39가지 글로벌 가이드라인을 바탕으로 플라스틱 사용 저감, 해양 보호, 기후변화 대응 등 국제 환경 문제를 위치, 규모, 경제사회적 흐름, 산업적 기회, 시스템, 이행 효율성, 혁신, 미래 비전 등의 기준을 두고 있습니다.

■ 전 세계 1,000개 글로벌 기업의 플라스틱, 석유화학제품 저감 활동 및 기후변화와 지구온난화 대응, 해양환경 보호를 위해 매년 4~5월 발표

■ GRP (Guidelines for Reducing Plastic Waste & Sustainable Ocean and Climate Action Acceleration : 플라스틱 저감 가이드라인 & 지속가능한 해양 및 기후환경 대응 인증) 글로벌 친환경 인증

■ 제74차 UN총회의장은 GRP 인증을 통한 격려하고 SDGs의 글로벌 확산을 위해 이행해주기를 권고

■ 4개등급(AAA, AA+, AA, AA-)로 나뉘며, 등급에 편입된 기업은 GRP 인증을 획득하게 됨.

■ 대상 :▷건설, 플랜트, 빌딩 ▷패션 ▷유통, 물류, 상사 ▷식품 및 음료 ▷화장품, 바이오, 제약 ▷석유화학, 소재, 에너지 ▷ICT, 금융, 서비스

신청기업(신청 및 인증 권고 기업)

■ 인증범위 :
① 인증 제품 및 상품 : [제품/상품/물품(포장재, 서류, 사무용품), 상시적인 광고 및 이동수단(비행기, 차량, 오토바이) 등]
② 공간 : [매장, 상업용시설(사무실도 포함), 전시관 등]
③ 제도 : [회사가 공식적으로 언론에 공표한 정책, 정관 상 기입되어 있는 친환경 정책, 추진하려는 구체적인 환경정책(예산, 목표, 이행주체가 나온), CEO가 발표한 선언문 등]

■ 개요 : GRP는 온실가스 및 플라스틱 저감, 기후변화대응을 위한 매뉴얼로, 7개 산업 분류에 속하는 기업을 분석하고 39개의 GRP 가이드라인 이행 현황 및 향후 추진 계획이 뛰어난 모델을 인증합니다.

■ 인증 ◇ 인증 전 단계 : 7가지 해당 산업군에 속하면서 가이드라인 적용을 권고하는 기업은 [가이드라인 적용 권고기업] 발표

◇ 인증 후 단계 : 친환경 우수 경영 기업은 4등급으로 나뉘어 [인증기업]으로 발표

AAA 그룹   AA+ 그룹   AA 그룹  AA- 그룹

GRP is the eco-friendly guideline of international standards. The GRP is based on the:

  1. UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  2. 5th Report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
  3. UN COP21 (Paris Climate Change Accord)
  4. Reports of the UN Ocean Conference and also provides guidelines for global enterprises’ plastic reduction and activities of climate change adaption.

Reducing petrochemical and plastic products is a key part of the GRP. In addition, GRP covers petrochemical, material, fashion retail, food and beverages, cosmetic and accommodation and restaurants sections also enterprises with outstanding performance in GRP can be approved as a partner enterprise.

Certification of GRP for 7 main purposes : The following are the 7 points that are considered in the GRP and which of ASD is striving to cope with throughout the project.

▷  We urge to beware of the environmental expense which the government, the National Assembly, and the global corporations have to cover for the current environmental pollution, especially the marine pollution is persisting. In the Asia-Pacific coastal area, where extensive ocean pollution occurs, the member states of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) bear the expenses about $1.3 billion a year.

▷ We recommend global corporations to take the concrete actions to cut the usage of plastic, which is the main cause of the marine pollution. The world produces 330 million tons of plastic every year and about 12 million tons of it flows into the ocean and breaks down into small pieces and becomes a micro-plastic. The amount of plastic in the ocean today is enough to circle the Earth about 400 times.

▷ We suggest fast fashion companies to prevent to overuse of water and let the contaminated water out into the ocean. Currently, 7,000 to 10,000 liters of water are used to make a pair of jeans, and 2,700 liters of water, accounting for 20 percent of the waste water that fast fashion companies send to the ocean.

▷ We conduct campaigns on the issues of global warming and resource development, which causes the North and South Poles to disappear. When the glaciers in the Arctic Ocean, including Greenland melt, there will be a 6.5-meter rise in sea level from the current level, and when the Antarctic ice sheet melts, it will rise at 73 meters. Half of the U.S. population lives within 80 kilometers of the coast, and 40 percent of the world’s population, including Asia, Europe and Africa, live in coastal areas, so the rise in sea level is expected to bring upon a huge climate crisis.

▷ We run carbon reducing campaigns for enterprises and people to cope with the environmental crisis which is directly related and closely interlinked to our lives such as fine dust.

▷ We urge eco-friendly production lines for all plastic manufacturing enterprises. Also in order to make an institutional framework, we continually discuss it with the National Assembly.

▷ We recommend global eco-friendly fundraising and the issue of sustainable bonds

ASD established an eco-friendly green fund for the environment. This fund encourages enterprises to recognize the significant environmental costs which will incur in the future and introduces an eco-friendly process in the general production line. In addition, to expand ESG  management, we advocate the issuing of sustainability bonds, green bonds. GRP was developed based on ‘Green Bond Principles Voluntary Process Guidelines’ of the ICMA. This can develop into a new decision making component for global investors and accelerate the green efforts of enterprises’.

We support plastic reduction activities with the United Nations Ocean Conference.

Reporting the contents of the certification to the 74th UN General Assembly session, the President of the General Assembly Tijjani Muhammad-Bande congratulated the establishment of the GRP Certification and encouraged the promotion of sustainable business models

We support plastic reduction activities with the United Nations Ocean Conference.


GRP 인증은 제74차 UN 총회에 보고되어, 티자니 무하마드 반데(Tijjani Muhammad-Bande) 총회 의장은 GRP 설립 축하와, 지속 가능한 운영을 권고 했습니다.